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  • 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Five Bar Signal Guarantee

Enjoy Your Life Without Dropped Calls

Where do you need to BOOST SIGNAL?

We’ve helped over 19797 customers improve signal in buildings, homes and vehicles since 2006.

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Why Choose Us?

Mobile network coverage in Australia is a common problem that many people experience. Thousands of complaints are lodged each year from angry customers who are disappointed with poor reception and signal loss.

For more than 10 years, Signal Boosters Australia has been developing high-quality mobile phone signal boosters, designed to address the issues facing mobile users in Australia. Our range of quality assured and certified products guarantee absolute customer satisfaction.

Where do you need a signal boost for your mobile phone? Perhaps for your 4WD when off-roading, the boat, your office, home, or even the farm.

We have examined all existing frequencies used by current Australian mobile carriers and have a product suitable for each of them. From single to tri-band, we’ve got you covered.

No matter what kind of coverage you are looking for, we have a product for you. There is no area that our products can’t boost a signal to from a small office space to a large commercial complex spread over thousands of square meters.

We have ensured that our boosters are compatible with all the existing mobile carriers in Australia and with dual and multi-band boosters, we are taking your signal reception to the next level.

What is a mobile phone signal booster?

With all of the different types of mobile and internet devices and accessories on the market, it is so easy to get overwhelmed and confused about what a mobile phone signal booster actually is.

 But the concept of a booster for mobile phone is relatively easy to understand – we promise! So let us take a moment to run you through how it works.

 So let’s say you have a mobile phone contract with Vodafone. They are your major mobile carrier and you rely on them to erect mobile towers and construct networking equipment around the country to provide you with as strong a signal as possible around as much of the country as possible.

 However and often despite these major mobile carrier’s best efforts, there are large portions of Australia that still only experience weak coverage, if any coverage at all.

So to combat this, a mobile phone signal booster is designed to receive the signal that is floating around in the air through its outdoor antenna and to transmit it to its internal booster, which runs on its own power supply in your home, office, boat e.t.c. The wiring inside the internal booster for mobile phone strengthens the signal that has been received from the airwaves outside, sends it to an internal antenna, adjusts to the same frequency as the original signal and re-transmits it with greater power and strength to the end receiver!

How mobile signal boosters work?

So let’s break down how the mobile phone booster signal works into some simple points:

  • The mobile phone booster’s extremely sensitive outdoor antenna picks up signals in the air that are so weak that your mobile phone cannot detect them (largely due to the size of the antenna of the booster in comparison to the much smaller antenna inside a mobile phone).
  • The weak signal is passed from the outdoor antenna to the internal booster through the shortest possible guaranteed route – the cable between the antenna and the booster that you would have plugged in!
  • The booster strengthens the weak signal by matching it to the strength of the frequency from the receiver’s signal, using the external power that you plugged your internal booster into when you installed it!
  • The internal booster then transmits this new, super-charged signal to the internal antenna.

The internal antenna then transmits that same strength signal out to the whole area that it covers, i.e. your office, car, farm e.t.c.

Money-back guarantee:

Signal Boosters Australia are so sure that you will be satisfied with our products that we are offering money-back guarantee to any customer whose signal issues remain unresolved. But we don’t stop there! In addition, we offer all customers a warranty over all of our products. There are no complicated processes involved in any claims – we are committed to customer satisfaction.

However, often we find that the problems that any of our customers do face can be sorted out quickly and easily and are simply a matter of tweaking the way that the booster for mobile phone is set up after initial installation.

We ask that you please contact our team of experts, who are available 24/7 and allow them to assist you in the first instance.

Are mobile signal boosters safe?

There is a great deal of scare-mongering in Australia about the long term effects on a person’s health, after extensive exposure to a network tower or a mobile phone or telecommunications device. So why would you ever install another piece of equipment into your car or into your home that is an even greater hazard?

Well we are here to assure you that our mobile phone signal boosters are not a health hazard to you or to your family at all. Despite the conflicting opinions about the damaging effect of major pieces of networking equipment on a person’s health, here are a few of the reasons why your mobile phone signal booster does not present the same problem:

  • The booster is low power and services a limited number of users. It is no way generates the same amount of residual power or emits the same number of signals as a large mobile tower
  • Whilst mobile phones are usually carried or used close to the body, a mobile phone signal booster remains in one part of your office or boat and you do not need to come in direct contact with it on ongoing bases.
  • Whilst your mobile phone signal booster is responsible for increasing the strength of the signals coming to and from where you are, there is no evidence to support the fact that the waves emitted by them are strong enough to cause any harm.
  • Mobile phone boosters are currently being used in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra with no reports of incidents.

A Booster for Everyone

Most people wonder, which booster is the best fit for me? Well, to answer that, you need to ask yourself this, where is my signal poor and unsteady? Is it in your house or maybe in your car as you move about? Maybe you are a seaman and you can’t quite get a good signal when out at sea. Have no worry though, each one is well covered. We have boosters that suit your every need. Be it a boat, office, apartment or car, we have boosters that are specifically tailored towards each use.

When we say we have a booster for everyone, we actually do. Our boosters are capable of boosting signals of the major network providers in Australia. Be it Vodafone, Optus or Telstra, our boosters will boost all signals. It is a common misconception that each network provider will require its own booster. However, that could not be further from the truth. Our signal boosters are indiscriminate and you just need to get one that suits all. During purchase, make sure you get one that is compatible with your network provider.

Powerful vs Standard Kit

During checkout, you will have to choose between a standard kit and a powerful kit. A powerful kit is way stronger than the standard kit. This choice entirely on how deep your signal woes stretch. First, you will have to do a small test. Check how many bars you get on your phone. If you have two or three, then the standard kit should be able to cater to that. If you get 1 bar it is time to bring out the big guns. The powerful signal booster should be able to bring the signal back to life and your phone will get full bars just like that! More so, you should check to see how big the coverage ought to be. It goes without saying, if you intend to use the booster in a small space like your apartment, a standard kit will suffice. However, if you need to cover a larger area, you should consider getting a more powerful kit.

Voice or Data?

Most people wonder whether using mobile signal boosters boosts voice call only. Our boosters work to boost both voice and data signals. This, however, depends on the model of your mobile phone signal repeater. Our boosters can also boost 2g, 3G, 4G and LTE signals, so that should not be a worry especially with 4G mobile users. With these boosters, you can put a sock on all your connectivity problems once and for all.

The 4G Booster

The telecommunications industry has been revolutionized with the 4G band network. The speeds that you can get from 4G boosters are remarkable to say the least. It is like your internet is on steroids. However, poor connections can make your internet seem like it is on its death bed, always slow, always buffering. Our 4G signal boosters give your phone’s 4G signal the lifeline it needs, making it strong, consistent and reliable. With the booster, you get to enjoy your fast internet always

We have cell phone signal boosters for New ZealandSouth Africa and France markets as well .

For UK mobile signal boosters click here.

Need Help? Call Our Award Winning Support Team 24/7 AT 02 8766 0692

How It Works

When you make a phone call or send a text message from your mobile phone, that information is transmitted as a GSM signal.

Signal boosters are comprised of two main components: an outdoor antenna and an indoor signal booster.

The outdoor antenna receives the text message or call and then transmits it to the internal booster. The internal booster then enhances the strength of the signal (based on frequency) and then re-transmits a stronger signal to the user’s device. The outcome of using a signal booster is that voice calls will be clearer and louder, and text messages will be sent and received faster!

So how do you configure your mobile phone signal booster? Easy!

  1. The outdoor antenna should be set up in an area where you believe the mobile device can receive the best signal. The cable that is provided will need to be connected to the outdoor unit and then to the internal booster.
  1. Once both of the devices are connected to one another, plug both units into the nearest power outlet, and you are ready to go!
How It Works
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We are here to help

We are here to help

The mobile phone signal booster designed by Signal Boosters Australia is simple to install and easy for anyone to use. There is no technical knowledge required for installation or ongoing operation.

However, it can be difficult to use new technology, and there are also circumstances that can disrupt your service that is entirely out of your control.

In the above instances, there is no need to worry; the Signal Boosters Australia team is here to help! Our team of experts is available 24/7 to ensure that your queries can be answered quickly, and any issues with the unit will be resolved.

Customer service is our top priority, so please do not hesitate to contact us – we are always here to help!

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 Advantages of using mobile phone signal booster

Advantages of using mobile phone signal booster

Australia is a big, wide place. And in a big wide place there are many advantages to the greater coverage provided by having a mobile signal booster in your home or vehicle.

Did you know for instance that we supply boosters for mobile phone for all main carriers in Australia, and you can also choose one that covers multiple carriers at once? If you are in an area that has irregular coverage, or none at all, you can install a mobile signal booster very easily at your home or office and receive solid coverage from wherever you are in Australia. Different family members can even be with different telecom providers and everyone can still get clear coverage.

Urban or rural, we can advise a booster to meet your home or office communication needs. Even if you live or work closer to the city, if you are constantly plagued by one of the many blackspots all over the suburbs, then this may solve your connection woes.

But here’s another 5 compelling reasons why you should consider getting one:

  1. If like many Aussies you travel great distances for work or pleasure, especially to regional and remote locations, you will benefit from the extra coverage this device provides. With a booster in your car or truck you will be reachable in many more places.You can then access online documents and sites anywhere, meaning your personal office has a much wider reach. Your business will run smoother and your customers will be more satisfied.
  2. In situations of breakdown, accident or injury, you will be able to contact assistance. If your car breaks down on a remote highway, if your boat is adrift off the coast, or if you hurt yourself in a distant paddock on your property, you are much more able to call for help.
  3. If your family members regularly drive through low coverage areas, you can install a mobile phone signal booster in their car, and the peace of mind you get from knowing they are connected is worth the price of installation.
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